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Bay 7 | lithography

Accessing our Cleanrooms

Get Access
To get your own students/employees into the cleanroom, please follow the appropriate link:

The nanofab charges a simple flat-fee for entry into the lab, which covers use of all equipment in the lab. The only exceptions at this time are the JEOL E-Beam Lithography tool and Raith Ion Beam Lithography tool, with separate additional rates below to cover the service contract and professional staff support costs.

Use of Main Facility & Equipment (Including Trainings)*

UC-Academic: $39.50/hr

Non-UC-Academic: $61.50/hr

CNSI Incubator: $95/hr

Industrial: $147/hr


Use of Dicing/Polishing Lab (Including Trainings)*

UC-Academic: $32.00/hr

Non-UC-Academic: $50.00/hr

CNSI Incubator: $53/hr

Industrial: $95.00/hr


E-Beam Lithography Equipment Use*

UC-Academic: $133.50/hr 

Non-UC-Academic: $208/hr

CNSI Incubator: $294/hr 

Industrial: $435/hr 


Ion Beam Lithography Equipment Use*

UC-Academic: $47.50/hr

Non-UC-Academic: $74/hr

CNSI Incubator: $150/hr

Industrial: $223/hr


Dedicated Staff Support**

UC-Academic: $90/hr

Non-UC-Academic: $140/hr

Industrial and CNSI Incubator: $170/hr


New User Fee (one-time charge, in-person lab access only)

U.C. Academic: $100

Non-U.C. Academic: $155

Industrial and CNSI Incubator: $155


* Government labs also qualify for "academic" rates.

* Members of the CNSI Incubator - contact us for rates.

** "Staff Support" is charged when staff performs the work for you, eg."Fabrication Services" (below).

Fabrication Services

Use our expert cleanroom staff to perform your experimental and prototyping jobs!

We are trained on all the equipment, have experience with a vast array of different fabrication needs, and develop processes for many industrial and academic customers.


We bill at the above rates for "Use of Facilityplus "Dedicated Staff Support", per hour - equivalent to your own staff performing the work in the lab.

UC Santa Barbara NanoFabrication Facility

Engineering Sciences Building (Bldg. #225),

Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Office Hours

M-F 8am - 5pm

Lab Hours

24/7 - always open

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